Friday, April 3, 2020

James Curry: The Father of Sports Medicine

James Curry: The Father of Sports MedicineThe father of sports medicine, Dr. James M. Curry, Jr., popularized the use of the cool pad to help prevent injury and pain in athletes. Dr. Curry was one of the pioneers of prevention and injury prevention in sports medicine.In the early years of college, Curry's mother (a mountain biker) and father (a forest ranger) drove him and his brother to camp at Creekside College in Northern California. Curry used to sit in the back of the truck and watch all the younger boys shoot craps and bingo, hoping for a breakthrough.Curry's early interest in chemistry was developed in the late twenties when he worked as a lab technician for the University of Michigan. Curry read through reports on the medical profession, describing toxicologic tests on various drugs. The reports were excellent in providing the reader with a real-world example of what was involved in the development of drugs.Chemistry was not just an interest but a method to study chemical sta bility. Curry graduated from the University of Michigan and received his degree in 1905.Curry and his old time college friend George Cox both worked with their employers at the university. Curry used his mind and then his hands to make dyes, which led to further discoveries, until Cox became a research chemist in the laboratory.Cox was involved in many more chemical processes than Curry, and they were both involved in an important discovery about color and staining which was published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society. Other associates followed suit and helped coin the term 'chemistry' in 1919. Curry and Cox were also involved in some of the other early molecular work.Curry became a great teacher and a brilliant researcher and chemist. He made it his personal goal to get in touch with everything that went on in chemistry. Curry's research led to many pharmaceutical developments and even the structure of DNA. Curry's name was part of the scientific and medical history o f America and his contributions are long lasting.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

How To Play Bluegrass Guitar Common Fingerstyle Techniques

How To Play Bluegrass Guitar Common Fingerstyle Techniques Sign up successful Three-Finger Style Otherwise known as the Scruggs Style after banjo player Earl Scruggs who first popularized it, this fingerstyle employs a thumb pick, index finger pick, and middle finger pick to pluck individual strings on the guitar. The advantage over other picking styles is the speed at which experienced players can play arpeggios and string skipping runs without breaking rhythm. This gives the guitar a very percussive, lively sound that lends itself well to an ensemble setting. However, this isnt to say that players using this technique can only play single-note runs. Many experiment with combining this style with strumming via thumb pick or either finger pick. As always, you are free to play whatever you like! Three-finger style is versatile and popular but can be difficult for players with limited fingerstyle experience. When learning this style, try picking individual chord tones with a slow, consistent rhythm before speeding up as you are able. Using a metronome will greatly increase the effectiveness of these exercises because it will keep you honest! If you keep falling behind the beat, just turn it down and start slower. This kind of practice is the quickest way to become an amazing picker. Three-Finger Style Techniques Because many bluegrass fiddle tunes are in the key of C major, I have presented these exercises using C, F, and G chords to portray typical chord progressions. When you are learning how to play bluegrass guitar, it is wise to stick to a simple set of chords. It’s how you use them that matters. Three-String Runs The idea here is to use your thumb for the bass notes and your two fingers for the two high strings in each measure. If you pull it off, you can keep the rhythm strong with your thumb while filling out notes with your fingers. Try different chord tones to find the voicing that you like. Four-String Runs This exercise is almost identical the one above, except that the thumb is utilized not only for bass notes but also for a high string as well. Experienced bluegrass players learn to play in this style for the fastest of the fast songs. Make sure to start slow with that metronome! Two-Finger Style This variation of the Scruggs Style was favored by bluegrass guitar legend Lester Flatt. It omits the middle finger pick in favor of a simple thumb pick and index finger pick combination. Because of this simplicity, the two-finger style is easily adopted for purposes that resemble flat picking. The main idea is to use the thumb to pluck individual bass notes while strumming with the index finger. This is great for playing loud chords in a driving manner and is often used to carry the main harmony of the song. In addition, this style can be used to simulate bass lines in the absence of a bass player. But just like with Scruggs style, you are free to explore and find more ways to utilize this approach to playing bluegrass guitar. Here are some exercises I would recommend to become acquainted with the two-finger style. And don’t forget your metronome! Two-Finger Style Techniques Again, these figures are portrayed in C major for simplicity but you are not stuck here. Playing around with different chords will give you a better idea of what you and your guitar are capable of. Pluck-and-Strum This exercise is all about getting you acquainted with the capabilities of two-finger style. Specifically, it is about using your thumb to pluck the bass note of each chord before strumming two full chords with your index figure. Bluegrass ballads often call for this type of guitar arrangement. Fast Strum Now we’re getting to the fun part. Some bluegrass tunes are played at extremely fast tempos, and by speeding up the pluck-and-strum you just may manage to keep up. The key here is to play the chords almost as if you were flat picking with a normal guitar pick. The difference is that you can still use your thumb for the bass in two-finger style, but you will still most likely resort to strumming both up and down with your index finger. There’s no diagram for this one find a fast bluegrass song to play along to and try to keep up! (I usually use the song “Wait So Long” by Trampled By Turtles when I teach). Keep Practicing Some of these techniques may seem tricky at first, but don’t be discouraged. Practice at least ten minutes a day for two weeks and you’ll be seeing some serious improvement! No bluegrass guitarist ever became great overnight, and with these common fingerstyle techniques you now have a roadmap for how to get there. Learn how to play bluegrass guitar and more by studying with a private guitar teacher. Guitar teachers are available to work with you online via Skype or in-person, depending on your location and availability. Search for your guitar teacher now! Collin K. teaches in-person guitar and singing lessons in Brooklyn, N.Y. He studied Music Technology at New York University, plays in an instrumental rock band, and writes music for films.  Learn more about Collin here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by Eric Frommer

Friday, March 6, 2020

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh Vincent van Gogh, the Quintessential Tortured Artist ChaptersBiographyPainting StyleThe Question of SanityLegacyOf all of the artists past and present who have made our world more beautiful through their renderings, few are better known than this Dutch post-impressionist painter.So renown is he that there have been numerous books and songs written about him. And films! No fewer than 17 oeuvres to depict his life, his genius and his madness, his final days...Have you seen Loving Vincent? It is a Polish-English experimental film detailing the circumstances of his death, highlighting the possibility that his death was not necessarily by his own hand.Most remarkably, the entire film consists of oil on canvas, painted in the style of the master himself.It uses his most famous paintings: Sunflowers, Water Lilies, portraiture of various people in his life and, of course, Starry Night, seamlessly threaded together to form the narrative’s backdrop.So well-known is Vincent van Gogh that entire web pages have been created to list all of his ‘ public appearances’. He did not enjoy such treatment in his lifetime, though.Alternatively decried as a dangerous madman and a tragic figure, Vincent van Gogh represents the epitome of the tortured artist.Perpetually plagued by visions he could not make others see, he spent his entire life trying to gain acceptance for himself and for his art.In this article, we look at selected aspects of his life and work. FernandoPainting Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EmmaPainting Teacher 5.00 (5) £75/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DavidPainting Teacher 4.75 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NatashaPainting Teacher 5.00 (7) £37/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors StefaniaPainting Teacher 5.00 (4) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SakinaPainting Teacher 5.00 (1) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LorrenPainting Teacher 5.00 (2) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Off2themoonholliePainting Te acher £8/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsBiography Can you see in these eyes the pain of rejection? Image by curiousgeorge77 from PixabayBorn on March 30th, 1853, he was the second Vincent in his immediate family, the first having been stillborn exactly a year before his arrival.There is some speculation that being an ersatz-Vincent affected him deeply; some think that his mother, still grieving for the child she had lost, had neither time nor inclination for the new baby.Still, being named Vincent meant something to the family; his grandfather and an uncle also bore that name.Growing up, Vincent seemed a thoughtful and quiet child who didn’t display an overt aptitude towards art even though he did enjoy drawing and sketching.He enjoyed a special closeness with his brother Theo and, to a lesser extent, his sister Willemina. His other two sisters and brother appear to have not made much of an impact on him; those relationships hardly feature in his later life.When he was seven years old, he was sent to the town school and, when he w as nearly ten, was enrolled in a boarding school a ways from home.Being sent away had a profound effect on young Vincent.  His mother had always been emotionally distant but, paradoxically, had taught her children that family bonds were paramount. What was Vincent to think when he was sent away from the family by the very woman whose demonstrations of affection he had perhaps desperately craved?Fortunately, he did not stay away for long; arduous pleading soon returned him to the family fold. He continued his education at a school relatively close to home; still, he was deeply unhappy.While he had merely amused himself by drawing when he was younger â€" an activity encouraged by his mother, his love of art really took root at this school.Constant Cornelis Huijsmans happened to be the art teacher the year that Vincent attended and he had quite an art pedigree himself.Descended from Cornelis Huysmans, whose works are on display at the Louvre and the National Gallery of Scotland, Consta nt Cornelis studied at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts at Antwerp as well as the Academy of Fine Arts in Paris.In spite of a promising career as an artist, he returned home to care for his ailing father, taking it upon himself to support the entire family. To do so, he accepted a teaching position at a new school that was opening nearby, putting him squarely in the path of one young Vincent.What do van Gogh and Henri Matisse have in common?Painting StyleVincent’s art teacher was unusual in that he refrained from teaching any painting techniques, instead urging his students to illustrate the impression of their chosen subject rather than its likeness.“Real painters do not paint things as they are... they paint them as they themselves feel them to be.” - Vincent van Gogh, in a letter to his brother.Judging by what he wrote to his brother, this teacher’s lessons took root in spite of Vincent’s being deeply unhappy at that time; a frame of mind clearly visible in his gloomy fir st artworks.He did not forsake art completely after finishing his schooling but went to work for a prominent art dealer headquartered in Paris. After he finished his training, he was sent to work in London.He was quite happy there, earning well and idling his time with drawing pencil sketches (and courting the landlady’s daughter) but ultimately became disenchanted with the fact that the firm he represented saw art as no more than a money-making enterprise.His own artistic sun had not yet risen; Vincent needed Theo’s encouragement to study art in earnest.After a short stint at a first-ranked art school, he went to study with his cousin Anton Mauve, who was also a painter. It was Mauve who introduced van Gogh to watercolours; his influence led to a general brightening of Vincent’s dark pencil and charcoal sketches.Whereas before working with Anton van Gogh’s focus was on drawing and sketching, after their brief time together, his medium was paint â€" usually oils but watercol ours too.Thanks to Theo’s constant financial support, Vincent was about to undergo an evolution of his artistic expression.Also learn about Leonardo da Vinci, the most famous among famous artists... Contrary to popular belief, cutting off his ear lobe was not van Gogh's first act of self-harm Image by Gerd Altmann from PixabayThe Question of Sanity“I dream my painting and I paint my dream” - Vincent van GoghThere can be no doubt that Vincent van Gogh was mentally unwell; the question is whether being a replacement for the child his mother really wanted (and being given the same name), feeling abandoned by his family at a young age and being rejected by nearly everyone exacerbated his illness.Many of his rash and aberrant actions seem to reflect his desperation for acceptance:proposing marriage to his landlady’s daughter in London (the reason his father and uncle arranged his transfer to the Paris office of the firm he worked for)eschewing work altogether to embrace religionprofessing love and proposing marriage to his newly-widowed cousin after just meeting herputting his hand to flame in an attempt to persuade her parents to let him see hercutting his ear as Gauguin was l eavingconsorting with the ‘lower ranks’ of societyaccusing Theo of sabotaging his career (when Theo reported none of Vincent’s work could sell)In contrast to the erraticism and uncertainty of his daily life, the composition and execution of his work reflected a serenity, organisation and assuredness that, by all accounts, were never experienced by the man himself.Perhaps his lack of social skills led the world to reject him, forcing him to pour all of his passion into his work.On the other hand, Paul Cezanne also dealt with a lot of rejection but he didn’t go mad...Maybe his family’s eternal hope that Vincent would make something of himself drove them to constantly bail him out of situations he had caused... or maybe it was their shame over his antics and how they reflected on the family’s religious reputation.Regardless of all of the whys and wherefores, we have to wonder: if the medicines prescribed today to manage the psychosis Mr van Gogh apparently suffered were ava ilable in his time, would he have become such a genius at depicting the scenes around him?  Would he have rendered such amazing works of art?Discover the influence van Gogh had on the works of Pablo Picasso. Has a bedchamber ever seemed lonelier than the one van Gogh occupied? Image by Anne Saturnino Miranda from PixabayLegacy“The only time I feel alive is when I paint” - Vincent van GoghFor an artist with virtually no formal training, Vincent van Gogh had a massive impact on the art world.He was late to embrace impressionism but, once he caught on, he could not paint fast enough. His use of bold colours and expressive brushstrokes, incorporating elements of pointillism helped lay the foundations of modern art.While his contemporaries â€" Pissarro, Toulouse-Lautrec and Renoir among others became famous painters, Vincent remained unrecognised in his lifetime; another rejection that surely weighed him down.Claude Monet, the French impressionist, also a contemporary of van Gogh, though well thought of by other French artists of his time, was not well-received by critics or society... perhaps the Parisian art scene was saturated at the time, or in flux - nobody knew what to like.The wor ld’s best-known Dutch painter, who never profited from his art, left behind a collection of masterpieces that, today, sell for millions of dollars each â€" some of the most expensive paintings in the history of art.In his self-portrait series and in his still lifes, indeed each landscape painting is a depiction of a vivid world that only he could see.It was incumbent upon him to translate the vibrancy and poetry he was certain fuelled the world into two-dimensional representations, lamenting all the while that nobody ‘got’ him or what he saw.Painted by van Gogh, everything from the workaday lives of everyman to the tired boots they wore became a piece of art history; unique brushwork that we’re privileged to look upon today with awe and perhaps a touch of pity.Misplaced pity, perhaps, because while his life was difficult and far too short, his inner landscape might have been far more beautiful than any of his canvases... had anyone besides his brother given him quarter.Now d iscover other famous works of art painted by some of the world’s most famous artists.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Tips for Figuring Out the Next Step in Your Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips for Figuring Out the Next Step in Your Career - Introvert Whisperer 5 Tips for Figuring Out the Next Step in Your Career Perhaps it’s how the stars have aligned, but recently I’ve had a number of people tell me that they needed to figure out what their next step is in their career. The good news in hearing this is that these people are giving some conscious thought to their career. It’s really easy to ignore it and just show up to work everyday giving no thought to the career. The tough thing is that figuring out your next step can be as complex as rocket science. There are just so many things to think through, like income, lifestyle, work content, responsibilities and retooling. To make it more complex, there are usually considerations for potential opportunities at your current place of business. How do you wade through all of this to gain any kind of clarity? Here are some tips for you to consider: Overarching Direction First, what general direction are you headed? Sounds simple, but it’s really important. Your choices can be: Moving up looking for promotion or more responsibility? Something different? Same level and work but a change in things like commute, travel or work pressure? By defining your general direction up front, you’ll be able to see the next few steps. Think of it like vacation planning. Do you want to go somewhere warm, culturally different, or historical? Each option poses highly different choices. The same is true for your career. There may be some slightly overlapping elements but the core direction dictates different steps. What Are Your Goals for the Next Step? Do you want to be making more money, or is job structure the driver? I know this sounds funny to hear, but making more money isn’t always the big driver. One of the people making this statement to me is very satisfied with their paycheck. They would like to maintain the income but kick back and stop working at such a break-neck pace. Sometimes you sacrifice work/life balance to get to a level and then you need to maintain the level to improve the “life” side. Sometimes you’re working to get to that level. Figure Out Your Timing Tolerance One of the things that happen to some people is they think if they wait long enough, the universe will present an opportunity. While I do think this happens occasionally, it’s also the stuff regrets are made of. Too many people wait for something to happen, only to wake up, look around and realize that all that time has passed and nothing happened. In fact, too much time passed and now they’re faced with a totally new set of considerations. There is a rhythm to careers. About every 2-3 years, substantial changes either do happen or should happen. If you are in the mid-point of this window, now is the time to figure it out. I estimate it usually takes about a year for all the planning and actions to culminate into a change. Immerse Yourself In One of the Options The problem with always standing back to think about things is that it doesn’t prompt a decision. When a decision is not forthcoming, you need to change your behavior. Pick one of your options and “try it on.” Speak to others doing the work you’re thinking of. Figure out what your path from here to there would be. Really drill down on the option as if you were pursuing it in earnest. Sometimes, this can really inspire you or makes you put the brakes on. Either way it ends up, you’re better off than you were when standing still. Be Change-Ready Change is not a comfortable state of being. Many people avoid that discomfort at all costs. The thing is, if you deliberately put yourself into changing situations, you will be more adept and open to making change. The reluctance to make change is often the reason for not moving forward. (Tweet this!) This is very toxic to great career management. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?   Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable.   Get your copy now and start your action plan today: CLICK HERE Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleash your professional potential. If you’re thinking about what your next career step should be, congratulations! Now, do more than just think about it. What will your next step be? Share in the comments! Image: Flickr

Photography Course in Liverpool

Photography Course in Liverpool Where Can You Take Photography Classes in Liverpool? ChaptersLearn from a Professional PhotographerPhotographic Societies in LiverpoolTake Photography Classes at the City of Liverpool CollegeLearn Photography Skills OnlineAs a native Liverpudlian, can you name three picture-worthy sites in and around our city? How about outside of city limits?In fact, The Pool has so much to capture on film or memory card that a tourists' typical week's stay would not be nearly enough to see and snap even the most popular sites!From the world famous Victorian Gardens to our gorgeous Cathedral, it is no wonder that tourists flock to our city â€" and it would be a sure bet that everyone brought their camera!Even those who come for the Merseyside derby take their fair share of snaps, if only to load them on social media.No matter why you wield your camera, the fundamental reason for seeing the world through a viewfinder is to capture noteworthy sights and memorable moments.If said sights and moments are indeed worth capturing, wouldn't it be worth your wh ile to learn how to do it well?Even if you have substantial experience behind the lens, as an advanced photographer, there is still much to learn... especially considering technological advances in the art of photography!Let us now find photography courses  in and around Liverpool, for commercial photography as well as for the sheer passion of it. Check out this blog for photography classes around the UKOr if you're in Scotland, our article on Glasgow photography courses may be of interest.Settling on a specialty before taking lessons will help you advance as a photographer Source: Pixabay Credit MeditationsYou can take extra online photography courses here. an event for every meeting save on holidays.Although there is no annual membership fee, there is a charge of £4 per meeting.That gives you the freedom to attend only those workshops and lectures that interest you without paying for sessions not targeted to your focus.What we love about this club is the flexibility it offers: in fees, scheduling and diversity of photographic learning material.We are not so keen on is the limited practical nights.Only three times per season are the cameras actually used: to photograph models, or commercial photography subjects â€" still life or a product.Find a photography course in Cardiff!Many photography clubs sponsor competitions: you could participate! Source: Pixabay Credit: rawpixelSouth Liverpool Photographic SocietyFounded sixty-five years ago, this fun faction of photographers have embraced digital imaging, but still welcome fans of film photography.Nearly forty years after their inception, they incorporated with The Pool's oldest, most venerated photographic society, thus embracing more than one hundred and sixty years of amateur and professional photographic excellence.They offer a year-round syllabus, including a summer programme to display your holiday snaps, which runs from July until September.On Sundays, they host The Improvers' Group workshops, where you c an exchange tips and ideas with other photo enthusiasts.What we really like about South Liverpool Photographic Society is its tradition and history, and a varied syllabus: a different activity for every meeting.What we don't like is the lack of transparency: the charter itself proclaims that fees are determined on a meeting or situational basis.While it is always a good idea to discuss your hobby/passion with those of similar interest, perhaps you would like to get a more formal education in the art of photography.To find photography clubs in Manchester, take a look at our article!Take Photography Classes at the City of Liverpool CollegeEstablished in 1992 from a consolidation of four separate campuses, the City of Liverpool College offers a Level 1 photography course to anyone who wishes to learn about:CompositionISO â€" the sensitivity of your camera's image sensorAperture and Shutter applicationIntroduction to PhotoshopDuring this ten-week engagement, you will learn everything ab out your compact or SLR camera, and will be called on to prove your knowledge by submitting a project as your final exam.The cost for these twice-weekly evening lessons is £220, not including course materials, and you must provide your own camera.If you haven't yet invested in a camera, you might borrow one, until you can learn more about what you want in a DSLR camera.And, until you have decided on a specialty!The commercial photographer uses different equipment â€" camera bodies, lenses and filters than, say, someone adept at night photography.Therefore, you may want to wait until you are more advanced in learning photography before spending any money on photographic equipment.In this course, your instructor will detail the pros and cons of various camera models and types, from compacts to ones with all of the bells and whistles, during your first lesson.You could always expand your knowledge about photography training by taking it to the next level in a more advanced course.Surp risingly, inexplicably!: formal photography programmes seem rather limited within Liverpool. However, you can obtain a Level 3 certificate or a BA Honors degree  online,  through distance learning.If you'd like to do the same in London, click here to read about photography courses in the capital.You too could master the art of digital photo editing online! Source: Pixabay Credit: hpv2011Learn Photography Skills OnlineUniversity for the Creative Arts offers a degree programme online, a path to professional photography that you can complete as quickly as you'd like.These courses operate under the premise that everyone is a novice at digital photography, and takes you from the camera basics, all the way through technical and analytical skills needed to compose and shoot subject matter.Their programme is modular, meaning a student could select, from among the vast series of learning units, which topics pique his creative and intellectual curiosity.As for specialising: the modular concep t permits mastering only of the type of photography you intend to pursue as a career.If you love travel photography, for example, you would select nature and wildlife photography study modules, and reject fashion or food photography.As you move closer to your degree, your tutor would more intently support you in creating challenging work, to reflect your advanced photography skills and mature eye for composition.As you progress in the art of photography, your instructor will help you develop your visual storytelling capabilities.University of Creative Arts is highly ranked by the Guardian University League tables, and for good reason!Its relatively low cost, coupled with student satisfaction â€" both with teaching methods and study materials, makes this online institute of higher learning a fine choice.Especially for those who do not have access to a photography study programme that is within commuter distance from their home.If you really prefer studying at home, you could always e ngage a Superprof tutor.Superprof has more than 700 qualified teachers of photography to instruct you through  online photography courses, via webcam, in the comfort of your own home.Are you a film photography fanatic who is hesitant about going pro with digital equipment?Conversely: were you spoon-fed on digital but now wish to master film photography and developing?Have you only ever played around with compact digital SLRs but are looking to trade up to a more complex model of camera?For all of these instances and more, Superprof has a tutor for you!With all of the tourists taking pictures around our fun city, with so much a photographer could capture â€" on film or memory card...With the knowledge that Liverpool, herself historic, has so many visual treats to offer: doesn't our city nearly beg you to take photography lessons?And now, you know where and who you can learn from!If Liverpool is too far away, reading about photography classes in Birmingham might be useful.

Should I Go To George Washington University

Should I Go To George Washington University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teachtheyre sharing their college experiences as well. Alyson is a Miami tutor and 2012 graduate of George Washington University. She holds a Bachelors degree in psychology and tutors several subjects, including psychology tutoring, reading tutoring, and science tutoring. Check out what Alyson had to say about her time at George Washington University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Alyson: George Washington University is a great school for a balance between college and city life. The campus is located right in the heart of Washington, D.C., just blocks from the White House, Georgetown, and endless points of entertainment. Because of its proximity to such high profile locations, it is extremely safe. During the presidential inauguration, there was a Secret Service member standing at every corner (and being late to class because the presidential motorcade drove by is a valid excuse). The campus has its own metro stop, and Washington, D.C. public transportation cant be beat. If the metro or bus wont get you there, theres a $5.00 taxi waiting to be hailed. I lived there for four years, and never once needed a car. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants at George Washington University? Alyson: I never had a problem meeting with my professors, TAs, or academic advisers. They were always available during office hours, and if that didnt work, then I could simply email them and find another time. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Alyson: The dorms at George Washington University are amazing. I lived in them all four years and loved it. George Washington University doesnt have a meal plan, so most of the dorms have kitchens and are pretty spacious. The freshman dorm Thurston Hall also has a cleaning service that will come and clean your room twice a week. Not bad! Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Alyson: I would say that the best supported schools at George Washington University are the Elliott School of International Affairs, the School of Business, and the School of Media and Public Affairs. The liberal arts school is great as well, but since the majority of the student body goes that route, it means the advisers are not as helpful. Personally, I majored in psychology and never had a problem with support, though I would have liked better advisers, as it wasnt until my senior year that I realized I could have taken on another major or an extra semester abroad. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Alyson: Making friends is easy if you get involved. George Washington University has chances year-round for students to join clubs, internships, and volunteer opportunities. I was personally involved in Greek life, and its a great way to make friends and have experiences you wouldnt otherwise have, but I wouldnt say its necessary to a good social life at George Washington University. The George Washington University crowd is definitely work hard, play hard, but if thats your thing, nowhere else can beat it. How helpful is the Career Center and other student support services at George Washington University? Alyson: The career center is great for helping students find work-study placements. They will also help you with free resume editing and interview prep. How are the various study areas such as libraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Alyson: These areas are all great places to study. They only really get crowded around midterm and finals season, but George Washington University has an online booking system that allows you to reserve study rooms for however long you need during those weeks, so you always know you have a place to go. Describe the surrounding town at George Washington University. Alyson: There are few places in the world that beat going to school in Washington, D.C. You can feel the energy of the city all around you. Not only is everyone smart and informed, but its also incredibly tourist friendly, which means there is always something to do. Concerts, nightlife, restaurants, farmers markets, you name it. And when you need a break from the city, just hop on the metro, and venture into Virginia or Maryland to get your fix of the country. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Alyson: For me, George Washington University was the perfect size. It is a medium sized school, so the student body is small enough that you recognize most faces, but large enough that you are able to meet someone new all the time. And if you need to make it smaller, joining a club or getting involved on campus is a great way to find your core group. Students at George Washington University tend to be very social. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one you regret the most. Alyson: One of the best classes I took was my Israeli Media class. The class was entirely in Hebrew, but we were able to have conversations and debates about politics in the Middle East, and to view Israeli media through many different lenses. It was a small class of maybe 10 people at best, so we really got to know each other and to dive deep into our opinions and feelings on the conflict in Israel. Check out Alysons tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Resources for Preparing Home Tutoring Classes

Resources for Preparing Home Tutoring Classes Which Tools Should You Use to Organise Academic Support? ChaptersKey Qualities for Private TutorsTangible Resources for Private TutorialsLearning Through PlayIf you want to teach academic support, be it for maths, physics, English, French, Spanish, homework help, etc., you’re going to have to be familiar with both your student’s level and their course at school.In recent years, the private tutorial market has grown and is now worth around £6b.  Over 40% of children in London had received private tutorials.So how do you plan academic support tutorials?Here are some teaching resources that the experienced tutors on Superprof swear by. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tu tors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsKey Qualities for P rivate TutorsIt might seem obvious that if you want to help a student to catch up with their studies, you’re going to have to be familiar with the subject that you’re teaching.  If someone hasn’t done maths in ten years, it’s possible that the student may surpass the teacher.Make sure you introduce yourself with a friendly handshake and a smile. (Source: rawpixel)Some students might be failing. Others are just struggling in a few subjects and don’t want to have to resit.  Some may just want to improve their grades in order to get into a good university.It’s worthwhile mentioning that there are many reasons for getting private tutorials and the tutor will have to adapt to their students’ needs.Whether you’re teaching a brand new student for the first time or teaching them throughout the whole academic year, you’re going to have to opt for resources that work with the student.First and foremost, you have to make sure that you arrive on time. Tutors who regularly show up late to class will leave a bad impression on both the student and their parents.Before an academic support tutorial, you need to take care of your physical appearance by making sure that you’re appropriately washed and dressed. While this isn't a resource, it is key to ensuring that your tutorials go well.Academic support and private tutorials often require an in-depth knowledge of the curriculum.So, how can you teach private tutorials if you’re not familiar with what’s on the curriculum?Whether you’re teaching sciences (maths, physics, chemistry, biology, etc.) or the arts, you’ll need to bridge the gap between what the students are being taught in school. Another intangible resource is your teaching approach.The right teaching approaches can unlock your potential as an educator and help your students to improve. You also need to adapt your approaches to your student’s level. Here are some of the key qualities that a good tutor should have:Transferring knowledgeA ra nge of teaching approachesPatienceSpeaking skillsAvailabilityListening skillsIf you can't transfer knowledge, you can't teach. A tutor's main goal is to make sure that a student learns something. If they leave the tutorial knowing the same or less than they did when it started, something has gone wrong. While you're never guaranteed that a student will immediately get something, a range of teaching approaches can help you to change things up when something isn't working.This is where patience comes into play. A tutor can never get annoyed with the student for not getting something immediately. They need to remain calm so that they can continue to teach effectively.Your speaking skills will ensure that you provide students with information as clearly as possible. The last thing you want is for a student to be confused because your delivery was poor or because you didn't explain something well. Listening to your student will also ensure that you're always aware of what's going on in c lass.Finally, you need to be available to your student. While you don't have to be on call  for twenty-four hours a day, your tutee should be able to contact you in the event that they have a problem. Make sure you set limits and acceptable times for your students to get in touch. The last thing you want is phonecalls at 3 a.m. because they're stressing about an exam that you know they're going to have no problem passing.Punctuality, friendliness, and a familiarity with the national curriculum are also useful qualities, but what tangible resources do you need to teach private tutorials?Here are several online teaching jobs for teachers.Tangible Resources for Private TutorialsWhile you may have all the skills and qualities that make a good tutor, you can’t arrive at your private tutorial empty-handed.Even for your first ever tutorial, you should probably bring a few resources to start the student off with a bit of revision: textbooks, digital resources (apps, websites), revision bo oks and sheets. It might be worthwhile also bringing something to test their level so that you know exactly what to bring to the next tutorial.In maths, economics, and science tutorials, a graph can go a long way to explaining what you mean. (Source: 6689062)Textbooks often have exercises for them to do. Again, you need to take the student’s age and level into account. Older students can probably work on essay skills or exam technique right from the start. They can also focus on essay structure.A private tutor will probably include more interactive and engaging activities for younger students. There are plenty of sites with fun games and activities for a wide variety of different subjects, especially for those in primary school.It’s important that your classes are carefully prepared according to the students level and needs. Are they catching up, a failing student, or applying to a top university and need the best grades possible?In a way, preparing your tutorials should be like filling a toolkit with the right tools.You’ll need resources that can help the student’s cognitive abilities:A course planRevision sheets (especially for GCSE and A Level students)Documents relating to the chapter they’re studying (with diagrams, tables, texts, articles, etc.)Exercises (either found online or prepared by the tutor themselves)Analytics exercises: Who, what, where, when, why, and how?Brainstorming ideas with the student.An evaluation at the end of the sessionWhile some tutors still prefer pen and paper, a computer means that you don't have to carry tonnes of documents. (Source: StartupStockPhotos)When it comes to private tutorials, the tutor often arrives with a tonne of teaching resources since they can never be sure how the lesson is going to go.Is the student going to be enthusiastic, tired, irritable, or relaxed?They always need to bring backup materials, too. In some cases, a digital resource may not work and they’ll need other things to do to replace it .Learning Through PlayHow do good tutors motivate students or show their parents that their child just needed a different approach to what they were getting at school?Teaching DifferentlyIn order to get the most out of the student and save them from resits or failure, there’s a great teaching approach to help students learn: the Montessori Method of education.The aim is to let the child develop at their own speed.Both adults and children can learn a lot from games and play. (Source: Thaliesin)How do you teach them what they need to know?Firstly, you need to let the child choose the activities they want to do. From the age of 3, the child should be able to focus on certain tasks. This teaching approach focuses on freedom and learning at one’s own pace (without judging how quickly they’re learning) and letting them experience things and understand them.Games and physical objects are used for things like teaching addition and subtraction.  The Montessori Method can be included in private tutorials because most of the activities are designed for individuals or small groups.Naturally, you may wonder whether it is better to tutor at your home where you would have all of these resources available, or at your student's home, where s/he would feel more comfortable...Games for Online TutorialsNowadays, there are plenty of resources revolutionising teaching that can be freely accessed by tutors. Online academic support is starting to replace traditional tutors. Using video games in tutorials can make learning easier as students are enjoying playing.They can help children to learn as they can focus their attention and motivate them as they don’t even realise they’re learning because they’re having so much fun.  Games and digital resources blend real tangible objectives (learning or practising) with the fun of video games.  You'd be hard-pressed to find a young child that wouldn't rather play video games than study (even if they don't realise they're doing both ).Platforms like Khan Academy, one of the world's most popular MOOCs, can be used between two tutorials in order to help a student practice or revise.There are courses for adults and children and a huge database to inspire tutors who are planning their tutorials. Furthermore, it’s free!Preparing games for academic support tutorials is a great way to help students learn.Convinced?Don’t hesitate to take your computer, smartphone, or tablet to your private tutorials. They’re some of the best resources for helping students learn.Now discover more ideas to personalise your tutoring sessions...

Changes to ACT essay scores are coming in September

Changes to ACT essay scores are coming in September 2016 has been a year of change for the college admission testing landscape with the introduction of the new SAT in March, and that change appears poised to continue with a revision of the ACT essay’s scoring structure set to debut in September.The ACT unwittingly ignited controversy with its shift in September 2015 to a new essay task and scoring scale.  Beginning with that testing date, the revised ACT essay has been scored on the same 36-point scale as the rest of the test.However, many students reported scores on the ACT essay that were significantly lower than their composite scores on the multiple-choice portion of the ACT (differences of 10 points were not unheard of).   Moreover, some students who paid $50 to have the ACT re-score their essay saw large jumps in their essay scores that called into question the reliability and consistency of the ACT’s essay grading process. The ACT contended that while the essay is scored on the same 36-point scale as the other sections of the test, scores across multiple sections are not intended to be compared to each other.  Rather, the ACT recommends that students look at their percentiles for each section to gauge their relative performance.Last month, the ACT acknowledged the confusion created by the scoring change and revealed that it plans to move to a 2-to-12 score range for the ACT writing test.  This change will take effect with the September 2016 administration of the ACT.According to the ACT, the writing task itself will continue in its current form, as will the four domains on which students’ essays are graded (ideas and analysis, development and support, organization, and language use and conventions).  Beginning with this year’s September ACT, the scores in the four domains (each scored from 2-12) will be averaged to yield an overall ACT writing score between 2 and 12.Hopefully this move towards clarity on the ACT’s part will produce greater consistency in ACT writing scores a change that wou ld be appreciated by students and colleges alike.To learn more about AJ Tutorings test prep and academic programs please call (650) 331-3251 or email us at

New italki Brand Ambassador Kailin

New italki Brand Ambassador Kailin Congratulations to Kailin for becoming an italki Brand Ambassador! Below Kailin describes her experience. I first met italki this January, when I was searching for some English grammar  questions online. One of the italki users offered a very sufficient answer, which deeply  impressed me. Further exploring on italki, I felt that I discovered a new world of  language learning! italki not only solves my doubts through the learning process, but  also connects each of the language enthusiasts in the community.  In the past, I hesitated to contact with native speakers of English because I worried  that it might be somehow offensive. However, in italki, I dont need to hesitate. I  know that those who I meet are real language lovers who may want to have language  exchange, or truly kind helpers who don’t expect anything but are just willing to help.  My English writing and speaking skills improved dramatically with the help of my  italki friends and teachers. Many of them offered really professional corrections and  advice. Gradually, I saw fewer errors in writing and gained more fluency in s peaking.  As I progressed, my italki friends cheered for me as much as I did for myself. They  are teachers, friends and even mentors. Moreover, I am so glad that my corrections for  Mandarin writings are also helpful and effective! italki is not only a community of  give-and-take, but a place that generates goodwill and kindness. One day, I received an email advertising for becoming an italki brand ambassador and  now here I am. I am delighted to promote italki among the language enthusiasts on  campus. I am cheerful to hear my friends saying italki is amazing. I am also happy  to see that italki is growing increasingly popular and helping more and more language  enthusiasts. On Nov. 2nd, I promoted italki during the regular training held by the language club  in our university, which I have been actively involved in. Only one out of the sixty  members ever used italki before, but they are all language lovers! During the event, I  did a presentation about how I used and benefited from italki, especially writing  notebooks, asking questions and having online lessons. Their wow expressions told  me that they were very intrigued! When I was distributing the italki promotion cards  in the end, many of them asked whether they could have an extra one for their friends.  italki is an ideal place if you want to get immersed in a language and improve it with  the lowest cost. I am lucky that I found it this year and I really hope that italki can  reach more language lovers in the future! If youre interested in becoming an italki Student Brand Ambassador please contact Ilar at for more information! New italki Brand Ambassador Kailin Congratulations to Kailin for becoming an italki Brand Ambassador! Below Kailin describes her experience. I first met italki this January, when I was searching for some English grammar  questions online. One of the italki users offered a very sufficient answer, which deeply  impressed me. Further exploring on italki, I felt that I discovered a new world of  language learning! italki not only solves my doubts through the learning process, but  also connects each of the language enthusiasts in the community.  In the past, I hesitated to contact with native speakers of English because I worried  that it might be somehow offensive. However, in italki, I dont need to hesitate. I  know that those who I meet are real language lovers who may want to have language  exchange, or truly kind helpers who don’t expect anything but are just willing to help.  My English writing and speaking skills improved dramatically with the help of my  italki friends and teachers. Many of them offered really professional corrections and  advice. Gradually, I saw fewer errors in writing and gained more fluency in s peaking.  As I progressed, my italki friends cheered for me as much as I did for myself. They  are teachers, friends and even mentors. Moreover, I am so glad that my corrections for  Mandarin writings are also helpful and effective! italki is not only a community of  give-and-take, but a place that generates goodwill and kindness. One day, I received an email advertising for becoming an italki brand ambassador and  now here I am. I am delighted to promote italki among the language enthusiasts on  campus. I am cheerful to hear my friends saying italki is amazing. I am also happy  to see that italki is growing increasingly popular and helping more and more language  enthusiasts. On Nov. 2nd, I promoted italki during the regular training held by the language club  in our university, which I have been actively involved in. Only one out of the sixty  members ever used italki before, but they are all language lovers! During the event, I  did a presentation about how I used and benefited from italki, especially writing  notebooks, asking questions and having online lessons. Their wow expressions told  me that they were very intrigued! When I was distributing the italki promotion cards  in the end, many of them asked whether they could have an extra one for their friends.  italki is an ideal place if you want to get immersed in a language and improve it with  the lowest cost. I am lucky that I found it this year and I really hope that italki can  reach more language lovers in the future! If youre interested in becoming an italki Student Brand Ambassador please contact Ilar at for more information!